Friday, August 10, 2012

Upcycling t-shirts

This week's full day campers had so much fun with bags of t-shirts I've collected from thrift stores. 

First, they made infinity scarves using the bottoms of t-shirts as shown in this super easy tutorial. They tie dyed them and wore them in spite of the extreme heat we've been having.
Sophie also resurrected one of the shirts and gave it new life with some dye:

Caroline and Sophie were also game to try weaving a rug using a hula hoop for a loom like this one in this tutorial which makes it look waaay too easy.  They ripped up strips to make loops to weave.

They almost finished before time to go home!

Emmy used some of the scraps to make ninja masks for the Nathan and Bryce who had learned to make ninja stars.   Bryce said he felt like a real ninja!

 Sophie even made an outfit for her friend Julia from the remnants left from her weaving!

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