Saturday, February 21, 2009

Watercolor Churches

above: Abigail, Theo, Daniel, Kelton, Canyon, Sarah and Alicia. Paintings by Sarah Wester and Daniel Pierce.

This week, the CFS classes finished watercoloring the churches they designed in the previous weeks. They learned how to use a wet-in-wet watercolor technique as well as how to apply a graded wash.

Thursday, February 05, 2009


above: Sarah & Kaitlyn, Lauren, Levi & Caleb

This is my favorite lesson! My students always come up with beautiful and unique designs.

Today we looked at a selection of cathedrals and churches from around the world: Chartres, Sagrada Familia, St. Basil's Cathedral in Russia, CA missions, and more. I threw the Taj Mahal in as well since it is a superb example of inspired architecture.

We talked about the various architectural components that distinguish these buildings from those that we see in Poway. Many features used in these buildings were influenced by the ancient Greeks and Romans. The kids then went to work designing churches and then transferred their designs to a large sheet of watercolor paper. To be continued!