Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Last class at Old Poway Park

This week, the Poway class finished up their Pop art paintings using oil sticks.

Their suns were fired and ready to be taken home:

The class then worked from photo references. Their challenge was to combine 2-3 references into one drawing. They all did great with this! Some ended up on the floor:

above: Bria, Rachel, Saisha, Brandon and Ginjireh

Monday, March 09, 2009

Clay Classes

Lauren, Joseph and Hannah work on clay suns

"Yay! Clay!" That's what the kids say when they hear we are going to do a clay project. Here they are makings suns from slabs that they've rolled. An important technique they learn in this lesson is how to attach additions to a piece and secure it so it doesn't fall off. After a bisque firing, the suns are painted with glazes and then fired again.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Art Start "It's All About Color" class in Poway

Ginjireh and Eden make creatures

I had designed this lesson with this color class in mind....the students created color splotches using just the 3 primary colors. It's definitely a "process" oriented experience. The kids have so much fun squishing the paint together and discovering what new colors they come up with. Here you see them crafting aliens and creatures with their splotches.