Monday, April 20, 2009

Summer Art Camps 2009!

Click to enlarge

The City of Poway has started registration for the Art Start Art Camps! You can register online here. If you have a creative child in the north San Diego area, check this out! Here's a link to photos from a past art camp.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring Break Art Camp - last day

Today the students finished their masks and painted their ceramics. Brooke and Daniela are trimming the edges of their masks:

Summer painting her mask:

Brooke painting hers:

And Austin with his:
Daniela and her Dad showing off the shirts she tie-dyed.

The kids were all such eager and capable artists. It was a wonderful week!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Spring Break Art Camp

It's been a while since I offered an art camp during Spring Break. Now I remember why.... LOW enrollment! This week I taught an exceptionally small group esp. since one of the kids ended up sick and had to drop out. The kids were genuinely glad to be there and thanked me all day long for every little thing I showed them, so it was a great week for me!

Here Austin and Daniela are casting Summer's face:
We also drew camels, inspired by some embroidered ones from India. The focus was on pattern which the kids created using changeable markers: