Saturday, August 15, 2009

Art Camp - WK 6

(l-r, front) Laurissa, Sydney, Rachel, Courtney, Gena, Annie, Ava
(back row) Thomas, Ashley, Samantha, Kendall, Kathryn, Alex, Zach, Joshua and Kathryn.

Trying to look like smart artists!

Kendall, Sydney and Rachel

Alex, Ava, Gena and Annie.

Thomas and Joshua

Laurissa and Kathryn

Samantha and Courtney

Rachel and Ashley

Art Camp - WK 6 Full Day Group

This week's afternoon class was fairly small. In between the projects I had planned, the kids obsessed on origami.

Kathryn showed us how to fold these modular origami stars.

Laurissa's origami made a nice ring!

Zach was addicted to making the water balloons (ok., who am I fooling? They were water BOMBS!)

Kathryn took the challenge and made several dinosaurs.

Zach models a mask.

Laurissa starts a dinosaur.

Alex and his mosaic flower pot.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Art Camp - WK 5

Here's another slideshow from this past week's art camp at Old Poway Park. What a great group of artists! If you click on a photo, it will take you to my Flickr site where you can see enlargements if you wish. Leave comments, please!

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Art Camp - WK 4

A whole new set of kids with a couple of returning ones! These photos are all on my Flickr site. You can run the slideshow and click on any photo to see it enlarged. Leave a comment so I know you were here!