Sunday, July 26, 2009

Art Camps - Week 3

So many fabulous artists in my camps! I feel privileged to guide these kids. I put the materials out there with a bit of instruction... it's amazing to see what they come up with!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Art Camps - Week 2 - Tie dye!

Nicole and Tessa

Katy and Lauren

Christina and Jessica

Tessa and Lindsey - BFF?

Becca, Lindsey, Tessa, Tatum, Ashleigh, Jonathan and Nick (friends from school!)

The class takes a break from painting. (L-R) Tessa, Lauren, Lexi, Kaley, Melanie, Katy, Lauren, Jessica, Becca, Christina, Bobby, Jonathan, Nicole, Lindsey, Nick, Steven, Isabella and Tatum....I wonder where Ashleigh was!

Art Camps - Week 2 - Watercolor project


Katy and Lauren A.

Bobby, Lindsey and Steven

Lauren, Jessica and Kaley

Lauren A.

Melanie, Lexi, Isabella and Tatum



Art Camps - Week 2

Jonathan worked hard to perfect his Odie drawing skills

Nathan helps Nick work out some Origami.


Becca and Lexi

Ashleigh and Tatum collaged their sketchbook covers


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Art Camp - WK 1 - afternoon class's last day

The afternoon class grouted their mosaics. What do you do when you have a bucket full of leftover grout? This is where imaginations and creativity took over. These girls made fairy homes and hid them about the park. The trees provided many great spaces for this! I can't wait to see if any are still there next week.

Francesca's mosaic frame

(L-R) Claire, Emily and Sarah with Francesca on fence behind.

(L-R) Emily, Sarah, Emmy and Lily

I think Lily made this for fairy campfires.

Katie's fairy house with yard.

Francesca's royal fairy homes.

(L-R in back) Emmy, Emily,Sarah, Caroline (L-R in front) Francesca, Katie, Lily and Claire

Art Camp -WK 1 - Last Day

Caprice, Hannah, 'Kenzie' and Brooke - friends made in art camp!

Snack time. The teenaged boy is Nathan, my assistant. He was a student several years ago.

Francesca paints her clay sun

'Kenzie' and Hannah. Kenzie came all the way from Florida to art camp!
Pascal working on his mask

Art Camp -WK 1 - Tie Dye

Amazingly, kids still like tie-dying so we do this in every art camp.

Keely, Nicole and Aiden (with the snake he beaded)

Katie -some how she got this to match her hair!


Friday, July 10, 2009

Art Camp -WK 1 - Silk Painting

Here are some of the finished silk paintings. Don't these kids look really proud of their creations?


Hannah and Brooke



Art Camp -WK 1 - Silk Painting

Here the students are tracing their designs onto silk using a resist:

(L-R) Caroline, Sarah, Claire, Lily, Emily and Emmy

(L-R) Delaney, Francesca, and Maddie


Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Art Camps - Week 1

First week of art camp! We started off with clay and drawing in sketchbooks.

Caroline, Sarah, Francesca and Lily experiment with clay