Sunday, July 12, 2009

Art Camp - WK 1 - afternoon class's last day

The afternoon class grouted their mosaics. What do you do when you have a bucket full of leftover grout? This is where imaginations and creativity took over. These girls made fairy homes and hid them about the park. The trees provided many great spaces for this! I can't wait to see if any are still there next week.

Francesca's mosaic frame

(L-R) Claire, Emily and Sarah with Francesca on fence behind.

(L-R) Emily, Sarah, Emmy and Lily

I think Lily made this for fairy campfires.

Katie's fairy house with yard.

Francesca's royal fairy homes.

(L-R in back) Emmy, Emily,Sarah, Caroline (L-R in front) Francesca, Katie, Lily and Claire

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