Saturday, August 11, 2012

Scenes from Art Start Art Camp - Aug. 6-10

I have the best assistants!  Sydney is a former student.  Here she's helping the kids fold their shirts for tie-dye:

Jake came up with his own scheme to fold his shirt.  I had to push him when applying the dye to get it deep into all those folds but it actually turned out great!

The class all created watercolor paintings of butterflies:
Emmy and her finished watercolor
Kate, Nathan and Ian's paintings....gorgeous!
Nathan made the coolest fighter jet.
Best friends Jane and Jackson rocking their new tie-dyed shirts!
Emmy enthralled a group while she showed Sam how to draw Voldemort!
Ian got super creative thinking up cartoon expressions!
Jacob and his Galacta Knight drawing. 
Didn't their masks turn out great?
Jake and his camo mask
The full day campers focused on jewelry making and t-shirt upcycling as well as painting a beach scene with acrylics:
Erin and Emmy working on bracelets.  Emmy went on to made earrings for all the class!
Sophie and her scrabble tile necklaces

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